Friday, July 28, 2006

Long Overdue Linkage

I haven't done linkage in a while. Here is some new stuff.

In light of the late unpleasantness in the middle east, I'm going to put out this link. Here is a photo essay of young Israeli girls doing their compulsory military service. Notice that they are not EVER allowed to be separated from their weapons. Even in the shower, it would appear.

And speaking of mildly surreal. Here are poorly drawn cartoons, which illustrate spam subject lines. I tried to find a favorite, but you will want to look at all of them anyway, so here is the first.

Who knew this guy could be this funny, this often?

I'm sure you think you've seen this before, but I'll bet you haven't. It is auctions that are going for less than a buck, in less than an hour, and most of them currently have no bids. Basically, stuff that is about to be given away (plus shipping & handling).
Some of this stuff is dicey, but a lot of it is for real.

Some of you may have seen this before, but it's fun, so I'll throw it in again. (I love tests.) I scored 9 out of 10.

Finally, you can call me childish or juvenile if you want, but how could I possibly resist a website called Booger Cam?


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