Tuesday, March 07, 2006

25 Years and counting...

Way back in the early 80's, when I still had beautifully feathered hair and Angel Flight pants, I met a gal with an enormous brown curly mane.

Long story short, she took pity on me and we got hitched.

Twenty-five years later, she continues to allow me to hang around, although I'm sure that at this point, it is less out of pity and more out of morbid curiosity.

In honor of this milestone I present my top ten reasons to stick with Kellie.


    She listens to me talk about work and pretends to care.

    She listens to me talk to my brothers about airplanes for hours and occasionally pretends to care.

    She lets me listen to Willie or Rockabilly, and pretends NOT to care.

    She pays all my bills and makes sure I always have cash.

    Doesn't freak out when I change jobs.

    Rarely makes fun of my increasingly soft body.

    Only freaks out a little when I'm gone for months on end.

    Doesn't hold it against me when I don't buy her Christmas gifts. For the 10th year in a row.

    Gets better looking every year. Trust me, I've been watching her since she was a teenager, and she is now at the apex of her beauty.

    Pulls me out of whatever stupid jam I've currently mired myself in.

She is the Jeeves to my Bertie Wooster.

"In fact, this looks like being another of your successes. I've always said, and I always shall say, that for sheer brain power, Jeeves, you stand alone. All the other great thinkers of the age are simply in the crowd, watching you go by."

"Thank you very much, sir. I endeavour to give satisfaction."

P.G. Wodehouse - Jeeves in the Springtime.

Yes, Jeeves, you stand alone.


At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great anniversary... hope you got her something nice... and maybe, just MAYBE you could change it this year and get her a Christmas gift. :wink: :P Lotsa love from the Seals' house and we'll see you next week!


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