Monday, March 16, 2009

Blog Whore

OK, you can go ahead and call me a blog whore if you want, and it would no doubt be true, but I just can't help myself.  I just love playing games with search engines.  A few months back I mentioned Sarah Palin in a bikini and pretty much doubled my page views overnight.  So I'm back to playing content free games.  Tonight, not only that useless throw away in the previous sentence, but I'm also going to mention......

Or something like that.  I found a link to a link to some blog on NPR that mentioned the 10 things, but some of them are lame.  Then the blog I shamelessly stole this meme from mentioned a few more, but I don't think there are 10 guaranteed blog melters in the whole list.  Maybe I'll make up a few of my own.  Here's the original list, with my minimal thoughts.

  • Home schooling
Hey.  We did that for a few years.  Didn't seem to ruin any of the kids.  If I were rich I might even do it again.
  • Bikes versus cars versus pedestrians
Meh.  Seems like no biggie.  I rode about 20 miles a day with I was a kid.  Never got in any accidents.
  • Chiropractors
More Meh.  Sometimes I like having my back cracked, but I don't think it cures anything.
  • Declawing cats
Yeah.  We've done that to all our cats.  Makes for longer lasting couches.
  • Music piracy/copying/sharing/theft/freedom
Uh.  Yeah.  I do this.  Some.  It's wrong, but I have so few vices.
  • Breastfeeding.
I'm all for it.  But let's not get militant about it, shall we?
  • Coldplay
Who?  Seriously, who thinks these guys are important?
  • Twitter
I don't get it.  Isn't this just FaceBook status, without any of the content?
  • The ending of The Sopranos
I lost intrest in this several seasons ago.  
  • Macs and PCs
My employer prefers that I be reeeeallly good at managing a PC, so I am.  And when will Apple start selling hardware that's anywhere near as reliable as it should be, considering the cost.

OK, I said I would do more, but I just don't care anymore.  Maybe some day I'll get around to discussing Proposition 8, Scientology, the death of newspapers and terrible plastic surgery in Hollywood.  But don't bet on it.  I've lost interest.


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