Thursday, December 25, 2008

Creative bankruptcy

After a bit of random surfing tonight, I stumbled across someone still talking about Sarah Palin, nearly two months after she became irrelevant. Having no particular interest in the Governor, but even less scruples, I read with some interest, this sentence.
Well, point taken. But the truth, as our own internal Telegraph figures bear out, is that nothing drives web traffic like a mention of Sarah Palin.

Put "Sarah Palin bikini" into google (not that I would do such a thing) and you get 1.6 million results.

Well, I just gotta know. So, herewith, I mention Sarah Palin, and my curiosity at whether any of the pictures of her in a bikini are real. I'll also mention guns, bears, moose, and the wonderful catch phrase 'You Betcha".

Now I'm going to sit back and watch the hits roll in. If this doggone stunt actually works, I'm going to sell out to my remaining self-respect and become a tool of Google AdSense.

Come on, McCain/Palin supporters. Make me rich.


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