MMmmmm.... Bacon blog
About a year ago, the biggest meme on the internet was a little thing called the Bacon Explosion. It was basically a bacon and sausage log, rolled up and barbecued. I even know someone who made one and said it was awesome. I thought it was funny and really wished I had a decent barbecue setup to try one.
Since then, it seems like every single day I see some picture or blog post on the webz about another interesting bacon product. Srsly. Every day. Now this is mostly due to the fact that I am subscribed to 42 blogs and read an average of 247 posts a day. (I just checked. That's the actual mean.) Nevertheless, I've really been tempted to start a bacon blog of my own. I even went to the trouble of asking a couple of people if they wanted to do one with me, and I sent out a request on Facebook. No takers. So now I'm going with a new strategy. Since this misanthropic blog is a bit moribund, I'm going to put bacon content on here. Some of my favorite blogs have dedicated days, like Photo Friday or Star Wars Monday. So I'm gonna try Bacon Tuesday.
Here's today's start. I need some of this.

And just because I'm a nice guy, I'm not going to make a big deal about this, cuz it's disgusting.

Oh. And while I was looking for the picture above, I came across this awesome picture. I'm including it here as a free gift. Enjoy. And see you next Tuesday.

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