Million Dollar Idea
Some times the simplest ideas are the most valuable. Consider the following email exchange.
To: RepliWeb Support
Subject: Zombie jobs
I’m having a problem that I can’t explain today.
I have to pair of jobs that seem to be complete, but still active. Or perhaps, are waiting for edge jobs, but I can’t see if that is the case.
Attached is the complete job folders for the parent and child jobs of one of the zombies.
Please advise.
To which my vendor replied, with no apparent frustration or implications that I am an idiot...
Hello Thayne,
Thank you for contacting support.
We are unable to see the folders you referred to. Please resend the attachments for our review.
Best Regards,
Eric Biron
RepliWeb Support
Here's the million dollar idea.
I'll write an email client that scans the text of your message when you press send and looks for the words Enclosed and/or Attachment. And if it finds either word, it will BLOODY WELL REQUIRE that you enclose an attachment. I could save the computer industry billions every year in "You forgot the attachment, you ninny" messages.
I'll be immortalized in the annals of computer geniuses, alongside Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson. (Although, apparently, I would need to grow a long, unkempt beard for that, so maybe not.)

I absolutely agree. Why would you waste your time with any of those far less noble pursuits, like some lame ol' cure for cancer (or the PM6K! :-) )? This, clearly, is a far more valiant endeavour. I'll inform the Peace Prize committee.
Dude, I'd buy it. Make it a bolt on to Windoze Exchange server, and you'd make millions.
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