Single Serving Websites.
I can't remember if I mentioned this site before, so I'm doing it now.
I LOVE single-serving websites. I love seeing someone put a whole lot of creativity into something that might only get used once, or maybe once a day. There is something so artistically beautiful about that. So, here is a few of my very favorite single serving websites.
Star Wars Weather. Perfection.
Also, a runner up, and my previous obsession is Human Clock. Go read the homepage, and the about page, and then watch the clock for an hour or three. I can't explain it; it must be experienced.
So I just googled the phrase Single Serving Website, so that I could remember who I stole it from. (Thank you, Jason Kottke) and remembered a few others that I have seen and used in the past.
Is Google down for everyone, or just me? I'm not certain that is the exact title, but it serves to explain the website. I actually had a feed for this site for a while. It would tell me the name of every site that WAS down for everyone. It was kind of fun to see what sites people are so addicted to that they have to know if it's really down.
KHAAAN!!! Others have pointed out, but perhaps the most useful thing about this site is that it codifies the correct number of 'A's in Khan.
Now that I have read several articles on this trend, I'm pretty sure that I'll have one of these by the end of the year. I just need to come up with an idea that's worth 20 bucks a year, and simple enough to code with my limited PHP skillz. Probably something related to 8008135.
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