New Leaves... err... leafs?
You wouldn't know it by watching my RSS feed, but I spend a lot of time composing, and later rejecting, blogishness in my head. I worry about what's interesting enough, and what's funny enough, and what is unique or at least new. Maybe too much. This week, I was reading Entertainment Weekly, which, BTW, I LOVE, and noticed that they are starting a new internet feature nearly every week. This week, it's about Twitter. This prompted two things. A V8 style smack on the head that I had not already started a weekly column on what's new on the web. And it prompted me to sign up for Twitter finally, which makes that only about a year after my friend Robb tried to talk me into it over lunch one day. (Sorry for looking at you like you were crazy, dude.)
So I'm going to see if I can write more often, and more about the interwebz. Today I'm learning about Twitter, and in my own mildly-but-not-quite-OCD way I'm wondering what the proper ratio of followers to following is. I initially thought it should be 1:1. So I only subscribed to 5 people initially. Then I noticed how many really cool people are twittering, and many of them are people who I would like to read about, but will never read their actual blogs. (Wil Wheaton, for instance. No offense, I just never saw what we had in common.) So I started signing up for more stuff. THEN I noticed that John Hodgeman, whom I adore, has a ratio of 400:1. Clearly I am as witty as that guy, right? So I need to really work on being super popular, so I can get my ratio back up to 1:1.
Next up: Finding a way to do mobile updates on Twitter and Facebook at the same time.