Exciting medical update
I mentioned earlier that I was having some troubles with my left ear. I wish I could say that it's all cleared up. But I can't. In fact, I wish I could say it was all just a symptom of my cold, but I'm pretty much recovered from that now, and my ear is still ringing. No, this news is nothing so trivial as my recovery and relief from insomnia. No. New symptom.
Yesterday I was walking past the family room as the wife was watching Doctor Phil. We have cable, and a DVR on the TV in the family room, so it runs a fraction of a second behind the other televisions in the house. This has the effect of causing an echo chamber in the house when the two TVs on the main floor are on the same channel. I was getting a bit of echo from Dr. Phil, so I wandered in to turn off the TV in the office, only to find that it was on a different channel. Confused, I turned off the TV and went back to work. Later, Kellie was talking, loudly, with one of her loud friends. Again, echos.
Yup. That's the symptom. The upper range of human speech echos in my new, seemingly bionic ear. A normal persons reaction might be "Gosh, Thayne. This must be awful." Well, don't bother.
American Idol was AWESOME tonight. Left ear open, echo. Left ear covered, no echo.
BTW, I think Blake is headed home to Bothel tomorrow.