Farewell to blogs
I've mentioned before that I read far too many blogs and am never caught up. This morning my dear spouse mentioned that same, but in a not too patient tone. Less of a 'how do you do it' and more of a 'what the hell is wrong with you' sort of question. I took a look at the blog list and have deleted several, for several different reasons. Herewith, my blog RIF list.
This one was a sort of Top Five list, that I liked, but is hardly ever updated. I'm hoping that not tracking it will make my feed reader more efficient.
Awful Plastic Surgery
This was a lot of fun when it started, but recently he has included a lot of before and after pictures where I cannot see any differences, lots of 'this nose job is awful' when it looks pretty good to me, and I just cannot forgive him for posting pictures of Heidi Fleiss twice in one month, no matter WHAT she may have done to her face.
Hot Chicks with Doucebags
I really loved this blog for the longest time. I still think it has one of the greatest titles ever. But there is only so much Ed Hardy wearing muscle headed douchiness that a person can look at, and I passed that threshold a while back. Farewell Douchebags. Farewell Hotties.
(dang it, lost the link and can't find it now)
This was a personal blog that just never got updated, so I didn't really lose anything by deleting it.
A Day in the Life
I love this gal, but she doesn't write much, and I see her stuff other places, so I'm ditching this blog about her kids.
New Scientist
This one was just a little too lightweight for me. I added 'Bad Astronomy' to replace it. Not that I am into astronomy, but it's a better blog.
And a couple of blogs that I haven't deleted yet, but are on the bubble.
Said In Bed
This is consistently hilarious and cringeworthy, but unless my reader is broken, hasn't been updated in over a month. It used to be once or twice a day.
Brooke Adam's blog. I'm just not quite as interested as I was, and the feed software she uses keeps updating entries whenever there is a comment. Which is annoying. But it's low traffic, so I'll keep it for a while.
Mental Floss
I'm always behind a few hundred posts. Clearly I don't care all that much.
Same as Mental Floss. I'm always behind.
Auto Blog
This one hurts. I joined it so that I would have something to talk about with my sons, but they do about 20 new posts a day, and who has time for that? Plus, the site feed is slow, so it's kinda painful to catch up.
I've mentioned this one before. I'm currently 1182 posts behind on it. But the stuff that I do read is just so doggone interesting, I can't bring myself to pull the trigger on this.
So that's the big blog roundup. I discovered after my last spring cleaning that the pain of deleting a feed only lasts a day or two, but the pain of unread posts is constant. I think I've done the right thing.