Simply Surfing
I have been collecting a LOT of RSS feeds, from my email client, which makes it a lot easier to keep track of a few blogs. Which is all well and good, until you start adding every cool blog that you see to your folder list. Yes, you can collect a lot of links but it doesn't take long before you are several hundred, and sometime a few thousand, entries behind current. In my case, this happened when I subscribed to SlashDot, which is THE biggest news site in geek circles. I'm happy to say, however, that in the last month, I have whittled my backlog from 1836 blog posts to only 747. The only redeeming effect of all this surfing is that you find a LOT of cool stuff on the web.
Here's a bunch of links that I've found recently that made me feel good.
Five terrible fake Jane Austen novels
August 19th, 2008- Rash and Rationality
- Punk and Punctuality
- Beast and Bestiality
- Funk and Functionality
- Fried and Credulous
eBay Find of the Day: Crazy Horse - 1967 Ford Mustang with butterfly doors and folding hardtop

You've all heard of Art Cars. Here's a guy who is applying that idea to the dirt that accumulates on his car after weeks of driving on dirt roads in Texas. Check out the few dozen other pictures at his website. Some of it is unbelievable.

That's probably enough for one day. If I stop posting and go back to reading, maybe I can whittle this list down to only 700 posts.