My brother gets his rant on
My brother called yesterday to complain about his computer and get some free tech support. Unfortunately, he called in the midst of a mild family crisis and I blew him off saying I would call back in a few minutes. (He should know by now that that is a lie, but that's a post for another day.)
Anyway, he wasn't finished, so he emailed me the rest of his complaint. I include it below with this one comment.
As I was saying, networking, especially in a relatively confined space like a uSoft network shouldn’t be this hard. I shouldn’t have to re-install my operating system just to reset certain parameters that were set when I set up my network initially. I mean really, we have hackers every day writing viruses to clear the boot sector and/or the FAT. Its all just ones and zeros on the disk somewhere. For crying out loud they even gave us RegEdit so we could really screw things up. The world is now running rampant with computer nerds. Surely it can’t be that hard to write a utility that will reset your networking variables so that you can do a clean network install without getting an OS enema.
And as long as we’re at it why not write an aftermarket network wizard that goes into a little more depth, perhaps asks a few more questions instead of using the dumbed down, one-size-fits-all uSoft piece of crap that rarely gives intelligent users what they really want.
Does this make sense or is my ignorance showing?